Monday, May 07, 2007

Another good news story! I have purchased quite a lot of items from, and while I think sometimes their prices are not as good as some places, and the cheaper items may not live up to all their expectations, they cannot be faulted for their dedication to good customer service. I once received a USB flash drive wristband that was defective and I shipped it back to them and got a refund without a hassle. Another time, I had a problem with an mp3 player which appeared not to be reading SD cards, and I wrote to them about it. They promptly sent me a replacement. I didn't even have to send back the "defective" player...which actually, it turns out, does read some SD is apparently a bit selective, so I ended up with two working players. I feel like I probably should have paid for the second one, but the truth is, both players do not work "as promised" in that they are supposed to read both mp3 files and wma files but only read mp3 files, so I gave myself the benefit of the doubt and didn't offer to pay. I don't know if they would have accepted though...see my story on Deep Discount DVD for why I think so.

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