Thursday, February 10, 2011

RBL - the customer friendly bank?

I recently had a lovely encounter with RBL employees which shows me clearly they may "say" they are committed to customer service, but the result "on the ground" at the level of the customers is very, very different.
I called the branch (~5 minutes to closing) to ask if it was too late for me to come get a draft made. The person on the other end "waffles" and says well, you have three minutes, can you make it? I said, yes. (I was only a minute away.) She asked my name and the draft amount, and repeated the question about whether I would be able to reach in time. I told her, yes, if I can get off the phone. So then I hung up and literally did a 100m dash across to the bank, only to find the door locked. I wrestled with my courage and knocked, telling the security I had just spoken with someone a minute ago, and it couldn't be too late already. He asked who I spoke with then said, the bank is closed, because of course, I did not have time to get a name. I asked, 'Can you check and find out who answered the line," I told him the extension I called. He gave a half-committal nod and then closed the door. After a little while, I asked him if he was finding out for me or if I was just standing there for no good reason. He told me they were going to check with the manager, but he/she was in the bathroom. I said ok, and waited some more. He finally did let me in somewhat grudgingly. I mentioned to one of the customer service people that I had called about a draft, she said I had to go to the counter. I proceeded to the counter. I started to wonder if a draft had been prepared for me so I asked again. She said "I was there when you called" (She might have said that before!) and then she left, I guess to double-check, but it appeared that no draft had been started, although I had spent precious seconds giving my information on the phone.
Finally at the counter, I start to give my information about the draft, they mention the commission, I say that I am a Professional Club Member although I forgot the card in my other wallet. They check the computer. I am not in the system as a member. "Do you have an account with us?" I say yes, it's a fixed deposit. One "helpful" clerk adds "You don't have a running account with us." I ask if that would explain why it's not in the system. No, it's not. So why tell me this irrelevant information?! I tell them I am not used to paying the commission so I will not go ahead with the draft if I have to pay the commission because I am a member of the Professional Club. I then leave, to return another day, 20 minutes wasted. What gets me most is that I have come to the bank so many times to have drafts made, and each time it's the same thing, I am not in the system, but as long as I have my card, they will process it without the fee. Not once would they think to say "Let me direct you to the person who can put you in the system, so you don't have to show us the card." Is this the height of customer service? They show no initiative, no common courtesy and instead prefer to baffle your brain with unnecessary facts. I sent an email to the RBL comment address and got a response within one day. Clearly the upper hierarchy are embarassed enough to respond, the question is whether that response will turn out to be lip service only.

1 comment:

Trini said...

I have a follow up on this will post shortly. They were a bit friendlier by email. :)