Whoever said free things weren't good, was obviously being very cynical. UPXpress has provided good service up till now, and even now, the time which was taken to resolve the "situation" is such that I almost feel I shouldn't complain. But the fact is that I had to complain and it appears that my complaining is what accelerated results! Also, the truth is they had promised a speedier service so that the time taken for the package to eventually reach me was abnormally long. So I will tell the tale anyway and hope others can learn by it. The package which arrived at the Miami office on Jan 9th, didn't quite make it to Trinidad certainly not before other items I had ordered after it, so I eventually contacted them sometime around Jan 13th. The response was slow by my estimation. The first few days were spent with the Trinidad office getting in contact with the Miami office, unsuccessfully at first, then the all-important "action item" was sent which should have triggered a flurry of urgent activity, but which instead did nothing for a day or so, then finally came the dreaded response, "The package cannot be found." With less than comforting and quite impotent assurances, I was left out of the loop of communication for about 3 days before the OM saw fit to call me to let me know they still hadn't found my package. By which time, of course, I had already sent an email (which I am sure he had already seen but refused to acknowledge openly,) requesting a refund for the cost of my package. I was of course more than a little disgusted by the calm, almost unconcerned tone with which he relayed the information and decided I had had enough of playing Ms. Nice...so I told him just what I thought about their inefficient "procedures" and that I was going to tell my friends about their appalling customer service.
I guess Ms. Nasty had a better effect than Ms. Nice because later that day I got the good news that my package had in fact been found and would be shipped out the next day. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief but the question remains: Do I stay with the free service or opt for another year of paid service, especially given they apparently are serviced by the same air carrier although the air carrier was not to blame, and also given that I had a lot more problems with the paid service as well.
What a dilemma!
I have a skybox with UPXpress and I've been lucky to have had excellent customer service all the time. The one time I had a serious query on outrageous charges (before they changed the policy and went exclusively with package weight and not dimensions) they decided :in the interest of customer service" to reduce the charges considerably and I was satisfied.
Trini, do you still remember the name of the UPXpress MO that you talked to? I might want to call him about some pound of flesh charges the company wants to extract from me.
Do you remember the name of the UPXpress MO? I might have to call him on some ridiculous charges thay wanna impose.
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